After being adopted in December 2014, Heracles, now Raklee, is happy and healthy and enjoying a wonderful life in Holland. And, as you can see, he is still as handsome as ever!
Noi has a new home!
Update on Caline
Here are some new photos of Caline, a blind kitten who now lives in Paris. She is loved in her new home and apparently everybody knows her in the neighborhood!
Caline is Adopted!

Another happy tale: Caline, one of our blind kittens who arrived at the Center this summer, was adopted over the holidays by a couple in Paris. She arrived at her new home in December and is doing very well. You can see in the photos she has made herself right at home!
Happy Tales
Luna is Adopted!
On October 1, 2014, Luna traveled from Amorgos to Athens airport. Later that same day, she flew to Holland where her new family was eagerly awaiting her at the airport. When she arrived, she went to them right away. She was curious about the world which she arrived in but she was tired from the long journey and slept the rest of the way to her new home. She is adored by her family, and she is enjoying everything there from the green grass, cows, riding in the car and sleeping on her new blanket. She loves to play and run and sometimes she is shy, but the cats are getting used to her and the kids love her, so what more can we ask for? We are so happy for her, and wish her the best in her new life!
Valés is Adopted!

Valés arrived at AZI's center 4 months ago, when he was only 2 months old. He was in very bad shape, suffering from a serious respiratory disease. He was treated and quickly recovered. Valés was then put up for adoption and...On August 30th he traveled from Amorgos to Piraeus, and the following day from Athens to Milan, and then to Venice where he met his new family. He now lives with a dog who adores him and 3 other cats. One of the cats is very excited to have him around, one prefers to ignore him while the third positively hates him. As you can see Valés is quite happy with his new family (humans included: Cesare and Emanuela). Have a happy and healthy life, little Valés!
Sara is Adopted!
Little Sara has been adopted by a woman who comes to Amorgos from Athens every summer to work in a jewelry shop in Chora. She and Sara bonded right away and now they are never apart. We are so happy that they have become fast friends, and that Sara has found a loving new home.
Daisy in Holland

Daisy is a purebred pointer, about 6 years old, who was owned by a hunter. Because she hated the sound of the gun, she made a terrible hunting dog so he didn’t want her anymore. In April 2014 traveled to Holland to join her new adopted family. There are 4 other pointers in her new family, so Daisy fits right in. We are so happy that she now has a family to call her own!
Update on Bobby Marley
Bobby Marley and 14 other dogs were found badly neglected in Katapola, crowded in a dirty room. The Philozoiki was called by the local council to help. Bob Marley (now Bobley) was adopted in Belgium in November 2011 and enjoys his new life in the countryside with six dogs and two horses. Bobley’s owner wrote two books in which Bobley and local volunteer Lamia play an important role, and a third book is in the works.
Update on Kouros and Zoe
Kouros and Zoe were found abandoned in a parking lot in Katapola as young puppies. We took them in and found permanent homes for them in Holland. Now they are happily living with their new families!
Update on Yannis
Yannis was abandoned on Gramboussa, a tiny island with no sources of water or food. Yannis faced certain death had he not been saved by a kind fisherman who heard him crying on the beach. We named the dog Yannis in his honor. Once restored to health, Yannis traveled to Holland and was fostered until the ideal family was found for him. He is now living a happy, healthy life in the Netherlands and enjoys playing and spending time with another dog who also happens to be from Greece.
Update on our rescue goat, Annabell
New photos of Micky in Holland
Micky is doing great with his family in Holland. Here he is on a recent walk at the park. We are so happy for him!
Cat Success Story: Aris and Zoi
Aris and Zoi were found on the streets in September 2012. Both were very sick. After being treated at the center, they went to a foster home in Athens. Two months later they were adopted together in Athens. In the third photo, you can see how much they love each other and their new home!
Cat Success Story: Lacta and Yfaistos
Lacta (the brown tabby) was found in a garbage bin on Oct 4, 2012 and brought to the center. She had to be raised on a baby bottle and became bonded with Yfaistos (the black cat), who came to us December 2012 with a paralyzed front leg. They were adopted together a year ago in Jan 2013 and are happily living with their new mom in Athens.
Cat Success Story: Peto
Peto came to AZI in November 2012 as a kitten. He was brought to the center because he had a fishing line wrapped tightly around his leg causing him pain. The fishing line was removed by the vet and he was adopted January 2013. Below, you can see how comfortable and content he is now in his new home in Athens.
Cat Success Story: Tatumitsa
Tatumitsa was found as a kitten in August 2011 with a badly damaged front leg and full of worms (first two photos). Her leg was amputated and soon after she was adopted in Holland. Now she is a happy, healthy, gorgeous gray cat, and we are so happy for her.