Cultivating Community

We are dedicated to cultivating a healthy environment for humans and animals alike. With the support of the municipality, local schools, and national animal welfare organizations, AZI is making a significant contribution to the local economy of Amorgos.


We Work to: 

  • Employ veterinarians to treat animals of the island

  • Work with volunteer vets who travel to the island for sterilization programs

  • Rescue abused and neglected horses, mules, and donkeys

  • Feed stray animals

  • Provide housing for cats and dogs awaiting adoption

  • Educate the community through books and lectures

  • Eliminate animal transmitted diseases and control the animal population


Animal poisoning, torture, and starvation is all too common. We work to fight the mistreatment of animals and foster a healthy relationship with the environment.

Take care of the animals and
the animals will take care of you.

Our Programs & Initiatives


The Aeghiali Project

A sterilization program in partnership the Niarchos Foundation and the Paula and Peter Fasseas Foundation was initiated in 2015 and continues to the present.


AZI has an active adoption program for dogs and cats. Since its inception, many animals have been rescued, cared for, and prepared for adoption. Tens of animals have been adopted abroad.

Cooperation with Other Animal Welfare Groups

AZI invited in 2013 the Greek Animal Welfare Fund (GAWF) to help care for some of Amorgos' horses, mules, and donkeys. Since then, the Animal Action Greece (formerly GAWF) Equine Care Program team visits Amorgos annually, to offer veterinary, dentistry and farriery treatments to the working equines of the island, as well as to our shelter's rescued and retired equines.

Outreach, Education and Promotion

AZI’s outreach effort extended to farmers and restaurateurs. Educational lectures were given on how to treat and live harmoniously with animals.

Three books were created, published, and distributed to all the schoolchildren on the island. These illustrated books promote a positive and humane treatment of all animals and emphasize the value of a compassionate relationship between people and animals.

Public Awareness

AZI distributed thousands of ashtrays to encourage residents and tourists to keep the environment clean and free of cigarette butts, another crucial step toward learning how to respect nature as a whole. AZI promotes lectures for school children and farmers.

Local Volunteerism

With our encouragement, a local volunteer organization has been established—the Philozoike Merinma Association of Amorgos—with over 30 members and five dedicated coordinators.


Built the first shelter for quadrupeds on the island, saving a mare and donkeys and mules from certain death. The Mayor of Amorgos has granted us this land and we count on the continued support of the municipality to preserve this significant location for the children of the island and tourists.

Farmers and owners of vegetable gardens offer their care of our rescued animals in exchange for the organic manure used in their gardens. 

Healing Support

Beginning October 2010, the first permanent veterinarian clinic opened with our support, offering surgical services.

Emergency medical care is also provided.

Poison Control

Fight against poisonings! Prior to our arrival, local restaurateurs would routinely poison cats each spring to “prepare” for the tourist season. We worked very hard to eliminate this practice and are proud to report that there were no poisonings this year in the areas where AZI has intervened.


There are many hungry animals on the island. Our support helps provide food, water, and shelter to needy animals, and especially to the dogs that are kept in faraway places in deplorable conditions.

Each day, AZI feeds approximately 300 stray cats, 35 stray ducks and geese in the areas of Katapola, Chora and Aegiali. To the animals living in these colonies AZI provides vaccinations and veterinary coverage when necessary as well as parasite protection and treatment every four months. 

Medical Attention

AZI consistently organizes and financially covers visits of several veterinarians from all over Greece in order to provide veterinary care to animals (domestic and stray) of the island. In 2007 AZI sponsored the work of Naxos veterinarian Dr. Dimitris Vassalakis, who still makes regular veterinary visits to Amorgos.

In 2011, AZI brought to Amorgos Dr. Maria Despoti and sponsored a large part of her veterinarian practice until November 2014, when she left the island. Starting in 2013 and continuing into the present, AZI sponsors the work of Athens veterinarian Dr. Angeliki Degleri, a specialist in feral cat populations.

From 2012 until today, we have worked with 40 veterinarians we have invited to the island. AZI covers the costs of their visits, including accommodations, food, and travel expenses. 



An approach that works

Read about the lives we have touched on our blog.